Saturday, September 13, 2008

Tango Studio

Studio Home Page
Tango is one of the most fascinating of all dances which originated in Spain or Morocco, and Tango was introduced to the New World by the Spanish settlers, eventually coming back to Spain with Black and Creole influences.

In the early 19th Century, the Tango was a solo dance performed by the woman but later the Andalusian Tango was done by one or two couples walking together using castanets.

Tango Basic Step

Man's steps

(The woman is in closed dance position in front of the man)

1 - 2. Step forward with LF (S)
3 - 4. Step forward with RF (S)
5. Step forward with LF (Q)
6. Step side right with RF (Q)
7 - 8. Slide the LF to the RF slowly and touch the LF next to the RF with the left heel slightly up (S)

Woman's steps

(The man is in closed dance position in front of the woman)

1 - 2. Step back with RF (S)
3 - 4. Step back with LF (S)
5. Step back with RF (Q)
6. Step side left with LF (Q)
7 - 8. Slide the RF to the LF slowly and touch the RF next to the LF with right heel up (S)

RF Right Foot
LF Left Foot
(S) Slow Step, 2 beats of music
(Q) Quick Step, 1 beat of music
Each number represents a beat of music

Tango Promenade

Man's steps

(Men start out facing the front of the room, with the woman in front in closed dance position

1 - 2. Step out a 1/4 turn left onto the LF toward 9:00 (S) (Man is facing the left side of room(9:00) with right hip next to woman's left hip)

3 - 4. Step forward with the RF toward 9:00 (S) (Man is still facing the left side of room (9:00) with woman in front of him)

5. Step forward with the LF toward 9:00 (Q) (The woman is still facing the man)

6. Step forward with the RF and make 1/4 turn left facing 6:00 (Q)

7 - 8. Slide the LF to the RF slowly and touch the LF next to the RF with the left heel slightly up (S) (Man is facing the back of the room with the woman in front of him (12:00)

Woman's steps

(Women start out facing the back of the room

1 - 2. Step out 1/4 turn right onto RF toward 9:00 (S) (Woman is facing the left side of room (9:00) with left hip next to man's right hip)

3 - 4. Step in front of man with the LF toward 8:30 and make 1/2 turn left facing 3:00 (S) (Woman is facing the right side of room (3:00) in front of the man)

5. Step back on RF and make 1/4 turn left (Q) (Women is facing 12:00)

6. Step side left with LF (Q)

7 - 8. Slide the RF to the LF slowly and touch the RF next to the LF with right heel up (S) (Woman is facing the front of the room with the man in front of her (6:00)

Following abbreviations are used :
RF Right Foot
LF Left Foot
(S) Slow Step, 2 beats of music
(Q) Quick Step, 1 beat of music
Each number represents a beat of music
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